Academics - Religion

All St. Agnes Academy students have Religion instruction daily. Sacramental preparation is an integral part of the religious curriculum. Children in second grade prepare for and receive the sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion. Children in eighth grade prepare for and receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

In addition, students in grades third through eighth who have already received the sacrament of First Holy Communion may assist as altar servers at Mass.

As a school community, we celebrate Mass together each Wednesday and on important feast days and holy days. Students actively participate in the choir ministry, and help prepare for the school's special Masses marking Veterans' Day, All Saints' Day, Thanksgiving, and other holy days.

Penitential services for students are conducted twice each year. In addition, days of reflection are set aside for the faculty and students.

St. Agnes Academy's motto of JOY (Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last) is integrated into everything we do. We focus on educating our students not only academically, but also on teaching them the importance of giving back to our community and those in need by firsthand experience.

Project JOY is the umbrella under which all service projects fall. Through Project JOY, St. Agnes students make monthly donations to an inner city school student's tuition.

Throughout the year, there are many other service project opportunities:

  • St. Ann’s Mission Collection.
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive.
  • Coins for Charity.
  • Centro Mater Toy Drive.
  • 8th grade Homeless Retreat.
  • Blanket Drive for Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
  • Quarters for Cancer.
  • Respect Life “Adopt-a-Baby”.