Youth Ministry

High School Ministry

St. Thomas Aquinas once said, “To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them.” Our high school youth program is designed to inspire young people to take charge of their own faith, putting Christ at the center of it all, allowing them to guide each other and those they meet along the way, closer to Him. Our ministry approach is one of building relationships with one another.

High School Ministry meets most Wednesdays for fun, laughter, talks, games, and small groups. And of course food! We meet from 7:30 - 9:00 PM. The meetings will be held either online or in person depending on the circumstances with the virus and Archdiocese’s instruction in this regard. The meetings will start in September. Annual enrollment is required.

It is unfortunate that our culture today does not provide many safe environments for young people to be themselves or to cultivate a spiritual life. The media bombards us with false images and expectations of what it means to have a fulfilling life, putting a lot of pressure on teens to be anyone but themselves. The spiritual life is often portrayed as dull and outdated. Our goal is to reinvigorate a sense of excitement and adventure in pursuing a life united with Christ that is anything but dull.

Our community offers a welcoming, non-judgmental environment where people from all walks of life can come to share how the Lord is working in their lives.

Our approach is uncomplicated and establishing healthy relationships is our priority. The aim of our leaders and youth ministers is to meet young people exactly where they are at in their lives, offering them a safe haven to share their struggles and their hopes.

Like any human institution, we are far from perfect and are constantly striving to improve in order to better serve Christ through our ministry.

We hope to see you at one (or more) of our many activities within the St. Agnes Youth Ministry program! All are welcome!

Forms & Links

YM Enrollment 2021-2022

Peer Ministry/Youth Leadership

It’s all about discipleship and this group of dedicated teens know how to do it right.

This ministry is open to all post-Confirmation sophomores, juniors, and seniors and is an opportunity to continue faith formation and leadership opportunities in our church.

Peer Ministers will explore faith issues and develop their leadership skills in preparation for a lifetime of discipleship. Our Peer Leaders are mentored by adult and young adult volunteers.

Our Peer Ministry leaders help to lead our High School Retreat during the catechetical year and assist with Confirmation/Communion Retreats planned by the Religious Education office.

We will prepare with regular meetings for some time prior to those retreats learning small group facilitation skills and planning activities. If you would like to get to know more about Peer Ministry/Youth Leadership, let us know and we'll connect you with one of our current Peer Ministers and get an application in your hands! We do ask for all Peer Ministers to be enrolled with our office.

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